Missionaries  to  Peru,  South  America

Stephen  &  Evelyn  Stilwell


The Lord continues to give us many opportunities to serve Him.  Saturday, December 17, I was able to go to Pacasmayo, about two hours north of us, to speak at the fourth-year anniversary of Origenes, a creation ministry of which I am on the board.  The president, who is an administrator at a large cement factory, and his wife, who graduated from our Bible College years ago, have had an impact on not only their community, sharing the gospel using the creation museum; but, also by teaching in schools and universities in Peru and Bolivia on creation vs. evolution, as well as, teaching on purity and abortion.  Recently the city mayor with his family and the area governor went through the museum and were very impressed with the exhibits and discourses that Jose and his wife, Inés, presented.  Of course, they heard the gospel message, and gave them a “green light” for other ministries in that area of Peru.


Sunday, December 25, we invited our daughter churches to come to Victory Baptist Church for a special Christmas service with lots of music.  I led the service.  Our small orchestra was joined by instruments from the other churches to present several Christmas hymns.  There were about 20 instruments, and the music was great!  The church was packed to the door with about 150 people.


Today, December 29, I gave the class on the Philosophy of Camp Ministry to our camp directors and counselors during their time of training.  The following week our son, David, who is the director for Youth Camp # 3, for ages 30 and more, has asked Evelyn and me to have an hour of speaking to the campers.  That is our first camp retreat for the season.


January 10-13, Evelyn is to have an hour lesson each of those four days for the pastor’s wives in Sullana, about a six-hour trip north of us.  I am to speak twice each day to the area pastors.  There are usually about 30-50 pastors who attend the retreat with their wives and children.  However, Evelyn has had about three weeks of walking with the help of a walker due to the pain in her leg from a Baker’s cist.  She has her next appointment with the doctor on January 3.  Please pray with us that we will be able to fulfill this opportunity with the pastor’s retreat.


January 18–22 we are scheduled to participate in the anniversary of one of our older and larger churches here in Trujillo.  I am to preach each evening.


The rest of January and February we plan to be helping with camp ministries.  Thank you for praying.


Stephen and Evelyn



Box 308011, Cleveland, OH 44130