Dear Praying Friends,
The past few weeks have been a rollercoaster of events. I am so thankful for your prayers and for your support.
Men’s retreat. 80 men from our fellowshipping churches came to Neumarkt on October 28th. It was a joy to see how our church cared for and ministered to these men. The topic was meditation and what are we meditating on in a busy society. The workshops were uplifting and the fellowship was terrific.
Past Evangelism. On November 1st we went to two cemeteries in Neumarkt to hand out evangelistic calendars. The Catholic churches had a memorial service at the gravesides and we had the opportunity to hand out these calendars once the service was over. The overall response was gratefulness. Many gladly took it and we were able to engage several in conversation. Within an hours time we handed out 800+ calendars. Please pray for fruit from this outreach.
Future Evangelism. We are already looking ahead to the pre-Christmas time of Advent. We plan to have an evangelistic coffee and cookie time on 2nd Advent. On the 4th Advent the kids are planning a special service. And we are caroling and reading the Christmas story in a nursing home. Please pray for the many conversations that will be had here in Germany but also near you about the real reason for Christmas.
Baptism. This coming Sunday we are getting ready for a baptism. A teen was told at camp that baptism is a step of obedience and he is finally ready to be obedient. He has invited his entire unsaved extended family and most of them have said they will be there. His mom has “warned” me that there may be upward of 30 aunts and uncles that come to see him take this step of obedience. Please pray for this teen. A faithful attender heard of this teens obedience last night, so she came up to me and tells me that she has been struggling with the same thing: is baptism really a step of obedience? So I encouraged her that we look at what the Bible says. Please pray that we will be able to meet up and discover the meaning of baptism and obedience.
TTZ. Our institute continues to be a blessing. The chapter that we started in Neumarkt has been a weekly blessing to me. I have 11 students from our church and 5 from other sister churches online. Our semester comes to a close tomorrow night and I have been so thankful.
Another highlight was to attend the ordination of one of our recent graduates. He articulated and defended his faith very well. The church voted this past Sunday to call him and install him as a second pastor in the church in Nuremberg. God is building His church here in Germany and training up Germans to be the leaders in His church.
As much blessing there has been there are also those who oppose the Word God of God. Please pray for continued unity in the church. Please pray for K&M who have heard the Gospel again within the past few weeks. Please pray for wisdom in the many counseling and discipleship conversations we have on a regular basis. Pray for health, there has continually been someone sick the past three weeks.
We are thankful for you. We are thankful for your care and prayers for us.
For His Glory,
Mark and Leslie Boyd |