Brad & Joanne Hoff

Continental Baptist Missions

March 1, 2023

 Current areas of ministry-focus for us include:

  • Involving several veteran missionaries in serving their fellow missionaries
    • Three CBM church planters now make up the “Missionary Development Team”. We are excited about the unique abilities each of these men brings to their ministry role! Handing off ministry tasks to them not only allows me to direct my attention to other administrative responsibilities, it will also better serve our missionaries.
  • Overseeing the 2022 “Year End Appeal” for CBM
    • This mailing, which went out to 1,100 individuals and churches, resulted in a very encouraging response in terms of one-time gifts. We are thankful for those who gave graciously and generously.
    • An additional goal identified in this appeal is the raising up of 125 new Planting Partners in 2023. “Planting Partners” are those who support the CBM general fund on a regular basis, enabling our office team to serve our missionaries. If you are not already a CBM Planting Partner, we’d encourage to prayerfully consider joining the team!
  • Preparing for the annual CBM board meeting
    • Board meetings take place in February, June, and October. During the recent meeting a new budget was adopted for the upcoming fiscal year and new board members were elected.
    • We are now using part of each board meeting to give members a greater understanding of the overall ministry of CBM. We are grateful for growing desire for greater involvement on the part of our board members!

Regarding our personal needs:

  • Several recent changes in our personal financial support plus increasing costs led us to recalculate our support level. Having factored in those changes, our support level currently stands at 82%. By way of reminder and for clarification, I do not receive a salary from CBM. Joanne is paid for the part-time work that she does for CBM and her wages are included in the 82%. We lack just over $1000/month of being at full support. Your prayers regarding additional support or sources of income are appreciated.

Thank you for praying. God is good, all the time!

Brad & Joanne