Dear Prayer Partner,

“Tomorrow we celebrate Ganesh’s birthday with a great festival. All of India does: north and south. I need to get home and start cooking for our god!” Madhu said excitedly. This caused Talitha to ask a series of questions; some very much on purpose not just out of curiosity.  Questions like: how do you give him the food? where do you place it? oh, do you have to throw it out after a few days?  Very interesting answers and some of them even caused Madhu to giggle out of embarrassment that they actually do such things in their rituals.  Things such as “build their own god and then pray to it”; she explained how they (the people from India) have many gods and have to put together each god, yearly, with certain materials and then cook food for them on certain holidays and keep them in different parts of the house. Then they take the food away from the god and sit down and eat it themselves. I met Madhu in January and over time she has shared multiple traditions that she has for different gods and what each one represents.  Madhu has a 14 year old son who suddenly presented many heart problems this summer (she believes it may be from vaccination injury: as he has had 4 covid shots and was a completely healthy athlete before this. This past month she has cried a lot when she talks about the subject. The doctors (at a top Houston cardiology hospital) were not finding a solution and his heart rate has been ranging between 140-200 since June; it’s now ranging between 90-100 with a change in medicine. She knows we are Christians and even though we don’t worship the same God she begged saying, “Your husband is a Pastor, please ask him to pray to your god for my son!!”  Please Pray for more opportunities of conversation and for her salvation. Pray for her son also; his name is Vivan which means “full of life”.

Pray for Raul from Guatemala; he visited our church for the first time this past Sunday and said he’d be back!  Continue to Pray for the salvation of our neighbor Jhon (Colombian) who comes almost every Sunday listens intently and even thanks Dario for sharing “the Word” but has not made a profession of faith yet.  Pray that he will agree to a one on one Bible study.

Pray for Dario as he fractured a finger while working outside. Pray it heals well especially because he is our pianist and guitarist.

So much happened in the last few months!  Dario’s parents visited us for 6 weeks from Italy and his sister, Genesis and husband came for a week from Switzerland.  Dario’s father, Pastor Alberto preached 3 Sundays and our brother in law, Pastor Christopher preached 1 Sunday; what a blessing!  Sophia got engaged to Edward Taylor!  Michelle got married to Josiah Bowman! Thankfully we got to see many family members that came from different parts of the USA for the wedding. David started his sophomore year of Information Technology at Bob Jones University! Cynthia is a senior in high school and celebrated 10 years cancer free! All typed out with exclamation points because we cannot believe how fast life is flying by!  Christ is coming soon, are YOU ready!  Are you sharing the gospel with those that God has placed around you in this season of life? Time is of essence; let’s use every minute wisely! See then that you walk circumspectly, not as fools but as wise, redeeming the time, because the days are evil. Ephesians 5:15-16


#1 Our two vehicles have multiple needs for repair #2 ESL books, Bibles and Tracts.

      We treasure each of you!   


Thank you for your prayers, love and financial partnership! God bless you!

Dario & Talitha Chiesa

(515) 556-3387 ~