“At the same time, pray also for us, that God may open to us a door for the word, to declare the mystery of Christ.” (Colossians 4:3 ESV)

Our time in Tenjo has gone even better than we had expected. I’ve been teaching four courses (Poetical Books, Expository Preaching, Church History and English). So far this has been manageable, but I’m working on next semester’s schedule, and it will be more of a challenge since we are adding a third-year program. Pray for guidance and for more teachers for the Colombia Baptist Seminary!


I’m excited to mention that God has opened doors for doing some Bible studies with new people. We starting having Roberto and Olga over last week for a study on Wednesday evenings, and I continue to study with Diego each week in Tabio. All three are very receptive. Two weeks ago we ran into a lady in the park in Tabio; we talked to her for a while about the gospel and invited her to church. What a surprise to see Belen show up this last week! She was in tears on Sunday, as God used the experience in her life. Please pray for the salvation of these four.


We have enjoyed serving in the church plant in Tabio. Holly and I are now leading the worship team each week and teaching the children on a regular basis.


Some of my students


We continue to participate at a distance in what God is doing in Santa Marta. I have been especially blessed to see how God is using the members to continue to build his church. Rodolfo, who came to Christ in the first years in Santa Marta, has been leading several Bible studies. The Hernando Carrillo family is one of the families he has evangelized and is discipling.

Rodolfo with the Hernando Carrillo family

Please pray for Pastor Alfredo as he was hospitalized two weeks ago because of pain in his head and extremities. The leaders have stepped up to give him a month of rest. Pray for his complete recovery! Pray for the men who are preaching on a regular basis now: Pastor Alfredo, Rafael, Anderson, and Héctor.


Pastor Alfredo believes the church needs to begin paying a part-time pastor, so pray for unity on that decision.


Also, please pray for the sale of our house in Santa Marta. A woman looked at it last week and was interested in buying it. Having a house in another part of the country is just one more thing to think about, so we would love to be able to sell.


We’ve enjoyed living in a small town after many years in bigger cities. We saw a horse show that went through the streets for two hours! And we now buy fresh milk from a neighbor each morning. Also, we can walk to most stores in town, so it’s been a nice place to live.


The boys have continued to adapt well. They started home school last month (Marcos – 10th grade; Jason – 8th grade). Jason will be playing a chess tournament on the coast in two weeks (Barranquilla).

Thanks for your support and prayers for what God is doing in Colombia!


Jonathan, Holly, Marcos, and Jason Boyd

P. S. Our new address here is:

Carrera 8 #1E – 24

Tenjo, Cundinamarca 250201


(We’re prefer that you not post our address online. Thanks!)