Dear Praying Friends,

Wow time flies. It is hard to believe a month has already passed since the last update. God gives strength for which we are very thankful.

Family. School started on September 10th. We now have 5 kids in 5 different schools going in 4 different directions. Joshua has started his nursing training and has enjoyed the theory. This week he started working the morning rotation at the hospital and is loving interacting with patients. It has been a rougher start to find a routine and schedule this year. Please pray for the new normal to become normal. The weather has been cold and wet and sniffles-season has started. Please pray for overall health of the family.

TTZ. Our Theological training institute has started back up again. I have 13 students in my class on the Holy Spirit. It is a joy to have many from our church in the class. I also have 3 individuals from 3 different churches who are participating online. God is blessing our institute and I am very blessed to be apart of it. We currently have 64 students enrolled over 4 classes!!

Church. We just heard testimony of a couple – who have been attending for a year now – for membership last Sunday. It is neat to hear how God has worked in the lives of His children to bring them to our church. Please pray for God to continue to bring people to salvation and into membership of the church. Both husband and wife are excited to get involved and serve the church.

Counseling. Please pray for wisdom for Leslie and I as we council many in the church. There are some deep needs and struggles going on. We are extremely grateful for those that are asking for help and advice. Others are in need of help but are reluctant. We are so thankful for Gods encouragement and His care to us.

Outreach. As a church we are making preparations for 3 outreaches this year still. One is a 2025 calendar distribution on November 1st. The second on second Advent where we plan to have unsaved guests come to hear the true meaning of Christmas. And the third is a kids play right before Christmas. Each one of these is unique and draws different people. Please pray for the preparations for each outreach and for prepared hearts.
Leslie and I have been challenged to get to know our neighbors better. We have prayed for God to give us a way to reach them. I have found that construction is a great way to get to know your neighbors. We had a massive hole in our front yard (basement walls were no longer waterproof), and all the neighbors walked by and we got to talking. Please pray for us to have boldness to continue to conversations.

We are thankful for God’s sustaining strength and grace. We are thankful for your prayers for us!

For His Glory,

Mark and Leslie Boyd

The hole in our front yard drew all of our neighbors to come and talk to us and to give their opinion on how the work was coming along. 🙂 It opened up many doors to build relationships. Please pray for those doors to remain open, as the hole is closed but the tiling is not. It still is giving opportunity to be in conversation.

Joshua desired to hike up the tallest mountain in Germany (Zugspitze 9718ft) for his birthday. So he and I did that (we did not walk all the way). It was a beautiful view and we both were in amazement of God’s creation!