InterGlo Ministries

international peoples/global discipleship

May 17, 2024

Our Friends,

News: One step at a Time

We received official notice the InterGlo Ministries Trademark has received initial approval from the United States Patent and Trademark Office. The InterGlo Ministries Trademark will be listed publicly for 30 days, after which time it will be officially protected. We are thankful that progress (the process started in August of 2023) is being made. Once our USA Trademark (InterGlo Ministries) is secure, we will apply for Global Trademark protection, as well. One small, but important step, in joining our Savior in His global discipleship.

InterGlo CongregationThe foundation of InterGlo Ministries

Sunday morning the InterGlo congregation reviewed Luke 22. It was a rich time of sharing and fellowship. When our study of Luke is complete, we will study the book of Acts and then 1Timothy. After 1Timothy, our congregation may become more organized. Having studied the Last Supper in Luke 22 last week, next week we plan on observing the Lord’s Supper together. Pray for us, that our small and fledgling online congregation may become stable and strong.

InterGlo OnlineThe teacher of InterGlo Ministries

Each week Bible Readings are added to the website, which are used to prepare for our Sunday services. Our prayer letters are also placed on the website. Eventually, we plan to add daily devotionals, book reviews, and articles on theological and missiological topics. Pray for us, as time is budgeted to improve our website ministry offerings.

InterGlo DiscipleshipTen civilizations-ten global cities-ten discipleship centers

Deb and I have accepted an invitation to teach in March of 2025 in Sulaymaniyah, Kurdistan/ Iraq. We will be teaching for two weeks to an intermediate, and then an advance level, cohort.

We have been invited to teach in India to three different groups in September of 2025. Six days for each group, with four sessions each day. Included would be speaking in different churches on Sunday. We are investigating and praying about this opportunity, and ask for you to pray with us.

Moving: â€œTo turn the hearts of the Fathers back to the Children”

We will load the U-Hauls on Saturday, July 27, and travel south to Simpsonville, South Carolina, on Monday, July 29. We are wondering if one or more our supporting churches would be willing to help us load the truck. If so, please let us know. I (Bill) will be recovering from hip replacement surgery, and therefore could use some help.

Surgery and Quiet Time“Be still and Know that I am God.”

Next Monday is surgery. Recovery will take time. Once I’m off the heavier meds, I plan to spend time in prayer, reflection, planning, and quietness before the Lord. It will be a while before I communicate again—maybe.

We appreciate each of you,

Bill and Deb

Donation Information

You can become fellow-workers with Bill and Deb in one of two ways.

Mail: You can mail a check to Bill and Deb Edmondson at 944 South Highland Street, Williamsburg, Iowa 52361 Please make the check payable to InterGlo Ministries and in the memo line please write Bill and Deb.

PayPal: You can donate to us by means of PayPal.


InterGlo Ministries endeavors to join our Savior in building His church by ministering the gospel to the global community online and then discipling our new friends to minister globally.

We have been asked to teach Genesis 1-3 to three groups of leaders and church members of 50 each in three states of southern India.
The majority world Christian population is exploding but is in desperate need of in-depth discipleship.

Ten Civilizations-Ten Global Cities- Ten Discipleship Centers