Reaching Latinos for Christ

Dear Prayer Partner,                                                                                         Â

Dario was coming out of a store and saw 92 year old Williams from Medellin, Colombia was standing out on the sidewalk; so he went over to give him a Spanish tract.  They ended up chatting for over 30 minutes!  Dario shared the gospel with him after Williams told him his life story.  He shared that he was married to an American woman, who was a Jehovah’s witness; until one day she died as a result of not going to the hospital (when she was very sick) because of her JW conviction of not receiving a blood transfusion.  Pray for Williams salvation.

We just heard that 3 Latina ladies accepted Christ at the food pantry (we weren’t there that day; so we don’t know their names yet).  They were given our church information; so pray for these three ladies to come and visit our church soon.

Praise the Lord Sophia and Michelle graduated from Bob Jones University on May 3rd; both with high honors, magna cum laude & summa cum laude! Our house is semi-full with our 3 oldest arriving from South Carolina but it will be full when Dario’s parents arrive from Italy and stay with us for over a month.  We haven’t seen them for 7 years!  Michelle is getting married this summer; so it will be nice to see Dario’s sister, Genesis, and our brother-in-law coming from Switzerland for the wedding also.

Thanks for praying for Ladies conference, Easter Sunday and Mother’s day! We had several unsaved visitors during those three occasions.

Please pray for upcoming events: Father’s day with Alberto Chiesa, special ladies tea with Viviana Chiesa speaking. Pray for those traveling for the wedding.

Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth! Psalm 46:10


#1 Official size Soccer Goals 24×8 and balls.  #2  ESL books, Bibles and Tracts

We treasure each of you!   


Thank you for your prayers, love and financial partnership! God bless you!

Dario & Talitha Chiesa