Dear Praying Friends,

Thank you for praying for our marriage seminar. God worked through your prayers. We had a total of 16 couples visit throughout the 5 sessions over 4 days. The responses were very encouraging and they were blessed. Even three unsaved spouses came to various sessions and were encouraged. One of the wives mentioned to me after the morning service today that her unsaved husband was so positive about the seminar and encouraged that God must know what he is talking about when it comes to marriage.

I encouraged the church this morning to put on the whole armor of God as that is the only that way can we “be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his might.” (Eph.6:10) We cannot do the Christian life or married life alone. We need God’s strength.
Please continue to pray for the marriages to be strengthened and blessed as they now do the hard work of implementing God’s truths.
Please pray for the unsaved spouses. They heard the gospel once again and heard how the Gospel changes marriages. Please pray for God to save them.

During the sessions, the kids were taken care of by a team from our coworkers  (Russ and Bianca McCrocklin) sending church. These 8 young people have been a blessing to the church. They engaged, entertained, crafted and taught all the kids from 1 through 18 years old. They were a tremendous blessing to the success of the conference. All the kids were so eager to come back and spend time with this team.

This coming Thursday-Saturday (May30-June1) I will be speaking at a church retreat. Please pray for good rest and downtime this week prior to this retreat. We are all really looking forward to spending this time with this local church. We are praying for God to use us to encourage and lift up this body of believers.

Thanks for praying for us! God is at work!

For His Glory,

Mark and Leslie Boyd