Greetings from Peru!
Time is flying here in Peru, yet I am only on Day 39 of 90 at the time of writing. Though these last
couple of weeks were largely uneventful, there are still some small things to update on. It has been
taking some time to get into a flow down here, and most of that was wondering if it was worth
getting into a workflow in the first place (terrible, I know). However, as things have settled into place,
It’s much easier to accept this is the place God has placed me at, and for His glory too!
Week 4:
The week started with Father’s Day, and it was a huge blessing to celebrate down here.
Peruvians take parties and Holidays seriously and never bore themselves finding something
memorable to do every time. I’m looking forward to their Independence Day on July 28-29. This week
I focused on bringing my piano skills up to speed as I’ve been practicing and playing at the regional
conservatory for a vocal recital on July 11. On top of this little pressure, Mr. Andy Counterman and
his grandson from Burlington Iowa came to visit. It was uplifting having them here to work with us
and vitalize our work with fresh spirits.
Week 5:
I attended a friend’s birthday party and picked up another ministry in Piano. As of now, my
current schedule has me playing for Iglesia Bautista Maranata on Sunday morning and evening and
Tuesday Evening, and Iglesia Bautista Getsemene on Wednesday Evening with some appearances in
multiple other churches.
Peruvian Highlight: Various Customs
I want to offer a rapid-fire response to some things that go into defining a culture. This way
you can get a better perspective and fill in answers to your questions with this big-picture view.

Marriage Customs:

Generally traditional; Very long weddings; The entire crowd personally interacts with the couple.  Large age gaps.


Cement, boxy, and geometric. Everything has walls and there’s little self-expression. Focus on practicality.

Funeral Customs:

The dead are buried in 2 days normally after death. Burials can come in all shapes and sizes.


A Democratic political crisis, a struggle to consolidate institutions, and social unrest. Indescribable.

Main Sports:

(In order of my perceived popularity). Soccer (duh), Basketball, Volleyball, and pickleball or tennis.

Motor transportation:

20-40 Models focus on practicality, not looks, massive bus systems, and Motorcycles.

Broad Life purpose:

Make money to live, and thrive in the economy.


Virtually the same as the United States.


“Depend on it. God’s work done in God’s way will never lack God’s supply. He is too wise a God to frustrate His purposes for
lack of funds, and He can just as easily supply them ahead of time as afterwards, and He much prefers doing so.” (William Carey)