Stephen and Evelyn Stilwell serving in Peru


June 2024


Stephen had several speaking engagements that took us to the mountains in May. We enjoy traveling in the mountains, but   Evelyn   had problems like never before with the 10,000 feet of altitude, so we had to cancel our exploring of a new route on the way back home.  But we did enjoy each invitation to preach in our sister churches and enjoyed meeting their new members.


We had a week without classes at the Bible College, so we went to Huaraz to spend the week with our son, Steve, his wife Molly and our grandson, Caleb. After two nights of sleeping at the 10,000 feet altitude, Evelyn could not keep her oxygen level above 75.  So that confirmed our decision of not serving in the mountains anymore.  However, the Lord did give us a wonderful day to drive back down to the coast as our trips to the mountains come to an end.


We have had some special events with our Maranatha Baptist Church family.  Our youth   group had a banquet for the couples of our church.  A new young couple attended.  It was a blessing to all and many would like to have a couples meeting each month.  We will see when we can get that worked into our schedule.


Mother’s Day and Father’s Day are always big activities in the church.  We were thrilled to have a great attendance for both occasions.



The two constructions (a building for more dorm space at camp and the building for Maranatha Baptist Church) are moving right along.  They poured the first roof on the new dorm at the camp last week.   Some of you will remember that we began the camp with a nice large windmill to pump our water.  Stephen has been working on repairing it and hopes it will be pumping water soon.  If you have Facebook, you can see it all on “Campamento Bautista la Fortaleza,” 


At the church construction they poured the first roof on June 17.  We are getting anxious to have classroom space and reach out to some new neighbors, etc.



Stephen and Evelyn


Box 308011, Cleveland, OH 44130