InterGlo Ministries

international peoples/global discipleship

July 22, 2024

Hip Recovery: It has been nine weeks since my hip replacement surgery. Rehab is going well, although I tire quickly. Before surgery, I asked the surgeon (a Christian) to pray that  he would do an excellent job replacing my hip, so that it could last until my retirement at 90 years of age. He smiled, but then realizing I was serious, put his hand on my shoulder and entreated God. My hip feels great:-) Thank you for your prayers.

Moving: We ( mostly Deb) have been madly packing, preparing for our move to South Carolina this weekend. Our stay in Iowa was used of the Lord to strengthen our relationships with Deb’s family in many amazing ways. This was needful, and we are very thankful. Our global ministry calling continued throughout our time here, but now we expect our Great Commission ministry effectiveness to accelerate.

Global Opportunities: God continues to open global doors for discipling all nations. We are planning our trip to Kurdistan and are praying about an invitation to minister in India. Recently, we have become acquainted with a pastor in Bethlehem (the place of our Savior’s birth!). I will meet this new friend in person in August or September. As we get to know one another, I am praying that God will count me worthy to be, in some way, a blessing to the work there. In addition, my prayer is that God will use this pastor to teach me about the situation in Palestine/Israel, and how to minister into it. Please pray with us.

On the Internet: Work continues on the website. It is essential that it accurately reflects who we are and what we do. Right now I am developing our statement of beliefs. It will be long and detailed. Deb asked me, “Who will read such a long statement?” I replied, “People who care.” Our doctrinal statements will include ancient and contemporary creeds—ancient, because it is important to remain connected to the body of Christ through history, contemporary, because it is important to show both our commonality with the body of Christ, globally, while at the same time declaring those items of belief which distinguish us. I hope that by providing this, InterGlo Ministries will attract like-minded Fellow-Workers.

Weekly Meeting: Our weekly online Bible Study/Service seems to be consolidating. That is to say, it is smaller but perhaps, stronger. Our fellow participants are strong in their commitment to the Lord and to our purpose for meeting together. They seem in it for the long haul. They are an encouragement to me. One member of our fellowship is moving this next weekend to China. This family is determined to remain part of our ministry family, yet none of us know exactly how that will work out. In this situation, the obstacles are great, but the opportunities are awesome—please pray for them. Another couple stated that they feel safe in our online study. They moved to the USA from another country and have not found a place to worship according to their biblical convictions. I recently asked them to serve as board members of InterGlo Ministries, a request they are prayerfully considering. We have started an online prayer meeting on Wednesday evenings. It is attended by me plus one other person—it is a beginning. Eventually, we will need to add teaching times to our service times and our prayer time. We recently finished our study of Luke along with a review of the Great Commission passages. As we did so, we discussed what does it means for an online study to “Go” (evangelize). Our online service is a creative experiment to see what we can do as a web-based fellowship. Each participant knows that if and when they opt for a local, ‘in person’ church home, they have our full and unequivocal support. However, consider with us, thinking a bit outside the box—What might God do with this type of Great Commission endeavor? Remember, we are commanded to creatively join our Savior in building His church, globally.

Those who send support to InterGlo Ministries should now send checks to InterGlo Ministries, 922 Berwick Dr., Simpsonville, SC 29681. PayPal (below) is acceptable for online giving.


Bill and Deb

Donation Information

You can become fellow-workers with Bill and Deb in one of two ways.

Mail: You can mail a check to Bill and Deb Edmondson at 922 Berwick Drive, Simpsonville, SC 29681. Please make the check payable to InterGlo Ministries and in the memo line please write Bill and Deb.

PayPal: You can donate to us by means of PayPal.