Prayer and Praise
July 2024
Myanmar Update from “T”
We are so thankful for the opportunity to meet with Tim (“T”) in person last month. Tim gave us a full update on the situation in Myanmar regarding the military coup and how it is affecting people. We had a video call with him that gave us such great information and a chance to hear his passion for ministry. If you would like to have a link to the recording, please email me at The call is just under an hour, and I think you will enjoy it!

Tim and his wife Lily outside our BCH office in Valparaiso, IN
Good News Backpacks!

This summer we are starting our Good News Backpacks initiative. We will be distributing 250 backpacks full of school supplies for children whose families in NW Indiana have financial challenges. Our backpacks are special…they come with a child’s Bible or the Gospel of John and information about how we can help their family. If you would like to help purchase paper, pens, crayons, etc., visit our website or click the link below. We would appreciate your help!
BCH Trauma Training

Our US trauma ministry is up and running. Last month we trained camp counselors in person and virtually in New Hampshire. Through the blessing of technology we can train online so easily. Last weekend we trained VBS workers with this biblical content. Some of our attendees said, “This class will help me build children’s confidence” and “Now I will be observant and look for signs of trauma and adjust my approach”. For more information about our in person on online training, visit
Bringing Children Hope – Liberia

We are so pleased to announce that we have returned to caring for children in Liberia. We are starting Bringing Children Hope – Liberia in Gbonota Village. This village is home to 3000 people who are the poorest of the poor. They do not have clean water, latrines, or a school building that is safe to attend.
We are using family-based care, which is based on the biblical model (Ps. 68:6 “God places the solitary in families”). With this model we keep families together. We looked for a village whose children were at risk for going into an orphanage due to poverty, and Gbonota is just such a village.
We are providing food, clothing, and basic medical needs. This is very much a soul-winning endeavor, and we are thrilled to help the people of Gbonota and can’t wait to share some wonderful stories of care and salvation. We had our first distribution last week and the people were over-joyed. Click here to watch the villagers say “Thank you, BCH.” That thanks includes you as we could not help them without your partnership in ministry.
Thank you for praying for us as we help vulnerable children overseas and right here in the USA.