Dear Praying Friends, July 2024
In our last Prayer Letter, I wrote about TUBA, WiLLY & his family & HAiZiNG:
Re. Tuba (who is wearing a scarf in the pic): Nancy is continuing to teach ESL (English
as a Second Language) to her; she’s a Muslim from Afghanistan. We’re praying that
Tuba will “see [Nancy’s] good deeds and glorify God on the day of visitation” (1 Pet.
Re. Willy: Over the past couple of years, WiLLY & his wife, RUTH (who is wearing a red
sweater in the pic), & their kids, PAULA & MATiAS (from Bolivia) have attended our
English classes & Bible studies. This past Spring, Willy graduated … he got a job, &
they moved to S. Denver. We encouraged them to visit Columbine Baptist Church, but
they weren’t making it a priority. So we told them that we would visit Columbine Church
w/ them – which we did a week ago. Providentially, a former missionary to Bolivia
attends Columbine, & he spoke to Ruth in Quechua much to Ruth’s amazement! Last
week, (via Zoom), Nancy began a Bible study w/ Ruth & her kids.
Re. Haizing (in the pic below): Several weeks ago, I providentially sat near Haizing in
the CU Dining Center; and I initiated, “What are you reading?” He replied, “Numbers.” I
asked him if he’s a Christian, & he replied: “No.” So I narrated examples of how
Numbers & all of the Bible point to Jesus; Haizing had no idea. The next week, he was
reading Deuteronomy, so I asked him: “Do you remember reading, ‘The LORD … will
raise up for you a prophet like [Moses]?’” (in Deut. 18:15); & he did. I then asked him if
he knew who that prophet would be, & he guessed, “Joshua.” But I told him that the
prophet is Jesus (Acts 3 & 7). A week ago, he was reading Judges. So I told him that
Judges was about imperfect judges; and they teach us that we desperately need a
perfect judge, prophet, priest & king, i.e., Jesus! Please continue to pray that God will
give Haizing an understanding of His Word & that God will save him!
In previous Prayer Letters, we’ve also asked you to pray for JAiR (from Mexico) & his
wife, FABiANA (from Chile) & their son, ELiAB. They’re endearing (professing)
Christians. A couple days ago, we told them that our church is sponsoring Vacation
Bible School next week. We’re praying that they’ll take their son & that VBS will help to
motivate Jair & Fabiana to want to regularly attend our church.
Last week, I met HANNA. After she told me that she was Jewish & that she had
attended Jewish schools, I recited the first several letters of the Hebrew alphabet; and
she sang the Hebrew alphabet. Then she inserted: “I don’t believe the stories in the
Bible, but I do believe the lessons.” I replied: “We Christians believe that the Passover
truly happened & that the lambs were types of the antitype, Jesus, (as animals’ blood
can’t wash away peoples’ sins” – Heb. 10:4). I also encouraged her to read Isaiah 52 &
Yesterday our 4th daughter, Chelsea, gave birth to an adorable girl, Margot. Yes! –
another person to disciple – praying that “Christ [will be] formed” in her (Gal. 4:19).
Sooo thankful for your prayers!
Enjoying the Journey,
Tom & Nancy Miller (U of Colorado / Campus Bible Fellowship / Baptist Mid-Missions)