Dear Praying Friends,

Thank you for your prayers. We are so grateful to God for His strength and for His blessings.

Looking back:
TTZ graduation: On June 15 we had our third graduation in our Theological Training institute. It was such a blessing to hear the testimonies of the three graduates on how God has prepared them for working in their local churches through the training they have received. We look forward to see what God will do in and through them in the local churches.

Youth group: another highlight was watching our son Joshua teach his very first Bible lesson. He wants to be used of the Lord and volunteered to teach a devotional. It was a joy helping him structure his devotional and guide him in his studies. It was exciting to watch him with much conviction encourage the other teens to live a life of faith with conviction.

Schooling: Both Natalie and Joshua have completed their schooling requirements here in Germany. Natalie will be going to Faith Baptist Bible College in the fall. Joshua will start a nursing associates degree at our local hospital in the fall. It is crazy to think that we have a college age kid. How time flies!

Looking ahead
Bus evangelism: This coming Monday through Wednesday (July 1-3) we have an evangelistic bus coming to town. We are parking it right in front of city hall for all to see. Please pray for hearts to be ready to interact with the gospel. Pray for our church folks as we stand there for the gospel sake.

Baptism: On Sunday July 7th we are baptizing a lady who we met at the bus two years ago. She got saved and desires to be baptized. Please pray for her as she still needs to grow in her faith, but she desires to be obedient in baptism.

Youth outing: On July 5 we are planning an outing with our youth group as 2 of them are “promoting” out. We hope it to be an encouraging time of fellowship and oneness. Please pray for the teens to be encouraged and
for the Fellowship to not end just because they are out of youth group.

Furlough: We are busy planning our furlough July 29-August 29. There are many people we want to see, but won’t be able to see everyone. Please pray that it will be a blessing to the kids and a relaxing time with our sending church and the few other churches we will be visiting.

Church plants: two church plants are starting up here in Bavaria. Our sister church in Erlangen is launching on July 21 their daughter church plant in Röthenbach with a strong team sent from their church. A TTZ graduate and former associate pastor in the church in Nuremberg is launching a church plant in Würzburg. I have the joy of calling both of these men my friend and helping them in this walk of faith has been exciting. Please pray for the starts of both of these churches in the Lord’s timing and for the many more hurdles they will have to overcome.

Salvations: Please pray for M & K. Both of these unsaved husbands of members of our church are so close to accepting the gospel. Their unbelief and stubbornness is hard, and only the Lord can soften them. Both of them are going through very difficult times right now. God is working on them. Please pray for them to repent and to be saved.

God is at work. There is still so much to be done, and we are excited to be working for the Lord. Thank you for your prayers!

For His Glory,

Mark and Leslie Boyd

Here is the evangelistic bus from 2022. We have the same bus again this year. Please pray for beautiful weather. Open hearts. Gospel presentations.

Our 3 graduates and teachers from TTZ. So proud of these three and their commitment to studying and growing in Christlikeness!

Joshua teaching his very first Bible lesson!

Our brand new family picture for 2024. It will be on our prayer card also. But feel free to download it and use on your missionary displays.
Mailing Address
Bergstr. 22
92355 Velburg
+49 9184 9223005

Sending Church
Fellowship Baptist Church
1503 SE 6th Street
Des Moines, IA 50315
(515) 244 6767

Serving with

Baptist Mid-Missions
7749 Webster Rd.
P.O. Box 308011
Cleveland, OH, 44130
(440) 826 3830
