August 2024


Dear Praying Friends,


Two days ago, 40k Gen Z, iConsumer, intexticated “Buffaloes,” from all over the world, started their classes at the U of Colorado!Â


Last week, we met STEVE (from India) at our lit table, & he attended our Bible study on Friday night. He’s planning to visit our church this Sunday.


On Sunday, CHUAN (a Christian from Singapore) went w/ us to church, as he did all last year. He’s reaching out to his unsaved study partner, LUCA, who visited our church last Spring.


On Monday, THOMAS talked to us at our lit table; he’s a knowledgeable Catholic. We talked about grace alone, Mary as a mediator of grace (vs. 1 Tim. 2:5), “unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood” (John 6:53), the Pope blessing same-sex marriage, etc. An hour later, I asked him if he had ever been born again, & he replied: “Many times,” as he believes that he can lose his salvation. So I showed him John 3:16 – “ … should have [present tense] eternal life.” I kindly argued, “If we could lose something that’s eternal, it wouldn’t be eternal.”


While talking to Thomas, FAITH told us that she & her boyfriend are looking for a church that doesn’t proclaim, “We’re LGBTQ friendly.” As she was leaving she said, “I’ll see you this Sunday!”


Also, while still talking to Thomas, TAPALiTA (from Laos) told us that her mom was a Buddhist, but that she isn’t any religion. I showed her our [Jesus is the] “Bridge” tract, & she seemed to understand a little.


Later, MARCUS stopped by. Last Spring, he visited a church where I preached. I think that he’s a believer.


Yesterday, FROKE sat down & bantered: “God is omnipotent, yet the only way for God to redeem us was by His only Son dying on a cross?” (Muslims believe that God wouldn’t allow His prophets to die on a cross.) I replied, “How else can our sins be forgiven?” Later, 2 non-Christians asked if the Bible & evolution can be harmonized. Later, NiCOLE stopped by; she’s a Christian (& enjoys fencing). Of course we invited her to our Friday night Bible Study & church.


KUMiKO (a Muslim from Japan) just stopped by our lit table along with a Muslim friend (from Iran) who claimed that she believes in Jesus. (I assume that by “Jesus” she meant the Koranic Jesus who isn’t the Son of God & didn’t die on the cross). A year ago, Kumiko & her husband, EDWiN (from Colombia) visited our church.


Via Zoom, Nancy is continuing to meet with JUN (in Korea) for Bible study. When he lived here 5 years ago, he made a profession of faith. Next week, Nancy will begin teaching ESL (English as a Second Language) again. We’re planning to invite some of those students & their families into our home where we can share the Gospel.


“That my salvation may reach to the end of the earth” (Isa. 49:6),

Tom & Nancy Miller (U of Colorado / Campus Bible Fellowship / Baptist Mid-Missions)

P.S. I would have sent this sooner, but we saw a bear strolling down our neighbor’s sidewalk….