Dear Praying Friends,

On August 29 we flew back to Germany from our short furlough. We have been so blessed by this short furlough through so many things.

Within days of our arrival, our sending church had a graduation party for Natalie and got her almost all of the things she needed for college life. She was overwhelmed by the outpouring of love by people she does not personally know, yet they care and love her because they have prayed for her for 18 years.

It has been special to see and visit with family. For most of our kids it has been 8 years since they saw our Stateside grandpa or aunts and uncles. Our kids enjoyed seeing some fun things like a Hy-Vee grocery store. One of them stared at it and mentioned: that is all one store, it is as big as our German mall! The kids enjoyed an amusement park, playgrounds and even learned how to play pickleball!

Visiting a couple of our supporting churches was a real encouragement too. We have enjoyed seeing some of you on this trip. Reconnecting with our sending church and spending time with folks whom we have know for 22 years has been a true joy and such an encouragement. Our sending church circled around us our last Sunday with them and prayed for us before we headed back to the field. So many little things that filled our hearts and encouraged us.

This coming Tuesday (9/10), school starts up again for the kids. Joshua started last week already in his nursing program. Please pray for the kids as they head back into a godless, immoral school system, where they are the only known believers. They need your prayers to stand firm and to be bold witnesses for Christ.

Thank you for your prayers and for your support!

For His Glory,

Mark and Leslie Boyd

Safe arrival back in Germany. All the suitcases made it. No travel issues, for which we were very thankful!