Dear Friends,

Deb and I have decided not to travel internationally this year, opting instead to focus on establishing the InterGlo Ministry in the Greenville, SC area, building our online ministry, solidifying the InterGlo Ministries organization, and stabilizing our monthly financial support.

InterGlo in Greenville
We are discovering many gospel ministry opportunities within the global community here. By frequenting international markets and restaurants, friendships are being nurtured with folks from places like Ukraine, Brazil, and Jordan, to name a few. As you know, friendships become Bible studies, Bible studies become Christians and Christians become disciples within whom Christ has been fully formed. These, then, become global witnesses of the Savior. Ultimately, the stewardship remains the same: ten civilizations, ten global cities, and ten discipleship centers.

Online Ministry
InterGlo Ministries Online is a blessing. One ‘soon to be’ believer explained that she was encouraged to hear that she has a purpose to love and be loved. Another InterGlo member reminisced how the Spirit of God first spoke to him in our Boston house church. A third shared how he has repented of his sin, allowing God to restore his marriage.  Another blessing was from a couple that we discipled in the past, who gave a large donation to our ministry. When I explained to them that I had a thankful heart with tears in my eyes, they replied, “No need to cry. We love each other.”  Finally, a recent convert stated that the highlight of each morning is reading his Bible. Our website is beginning to expand, mostly with blog devotionals, as well as other entries focused on growing in our knowledge of God and His world.

InterGlo Ministries Inc. Organization
We are now recognized as an Iowa and South Carolina organization. In addition,  the IRS has confirmed our non-profit status. The InterGlo board consists of fourteen individuals most of whom became Christians during the Boston ministry. The framework for InterGlo Ministries is now formed and in place. God continues to move us forward. As our Savior promised, “Go into all the world and make disciples… and lo, I with you always, even to the end of the age.”

Our Financial Support
Our God has abundantly cared for us now for over forty ministry years, and we know He will continue to do so. However, there are financial ministry opportunities for those who would care to join us. Our current monthly support is $1,500 below our monthly InterGlo budget, which includes personal, as well as ministry expenses. I expect that deficit to rise to a $2,000 a month. We are asking God to supply 10 supporters at $200 per month. Would you pray with us about this? Would you consider joining our financial support team? We would be humbled, God would be glorified, and the body of Christ edified.

Joining the Savior,

Bill and Deb