February 2025

To Our Prayer Partners,

Thanks, in part, to your prayers, Nancy & I are enjoying ministry as much as ever!

Some snippets of the meaningful conversations at our literature tables include:

iSHAWN (a Christian) uniquely asked me if I had any words for his Buddhist friend. I asked the Buddhist if it’s true that Buddha was a mere man; the Buddhist replied, “I don’t know.” I then picked up the spike that we put on our table & said, “Jesus had nails in his hands & feet, whereas Buddha didn’t. Moreover, Jesus’ blood washed away my sins…”. Later, KEON sat down & said that he’s an atheist. He also said that his major is Integrated Physiology, so I kindly argued that the design of our brain, heart, eyes, etc. argue for the existence of God (Rom. 1:20). Keon then argued that our backs & knees are imperfect. So I talked about how the Fall / our sin caused imperfections & death.


DEAN told us that, even tho he’s from Texas, he doesn’t know much about God. So, among other things, I explained our [Jesus is the] “Bridge” tract. Later, DEO stopped & asked about the q we were displaying [“Where will you go when you croak?”] As I explained our “Bridge” tract, he listened attentively; and as he walked away, he took the “Bridge” tract w/ him. Later, LiNDSEY stopped & said that she’s a philosophy minor. I kindly argued: “I like that philosophy classes deal w/ life’s sine qua non questions; however, they never emphasize the necessity & urgency of our sins that desperately need to be forgiven by God.”


MiCHAEL stopped & talked about the mystery drones over N.J. I complemented that topic w/ “the mark of the beast” (in Rev. 16,19). In time, I explained John 3:16 (which we always display on our table), & he was receptive. Later, a girl asked what our q meant [“How did the sacrificial lambs in the O.T. foreshadow Jesus?”] She also said that she was Methodist … turned to Baptist … turned back to Methodist, as she believes that all people, including gays, should be loved. I told her that, yes, we Christians should love homosexuals; tho homosexuality is a sin (a forgivable sin)…. Later, a guy, EVAN, & a girl (who viewed her Lutheran church as too woke) said that they’re converting to the Catholic Church. We discussed faith alone, “works” in James (horizontal justification), The Council of Trent, the liberal Pope, praying to Mary, etc.Â


SAiF (from Jordan) told us that he’s a Muslim & claimed to believe the Biblical prophets. But when I showed him Isa. 9:6 (that God has a Son), Saif argued (typically) that the Bible has mistakes. (Saif also brusquely told us that he’s very politically involved to help Muslims, not Jews.) Later, MEiLANi sat down & told us that she wants to be a minister. We then discussed Paul’s words: “I do not permit a woman to teach or to exercise authority over a man. For Eve … was deceived.” And “ … husband of 1 wife” (1 Tim. 2,3)…. Later, CHOSETTE (from Haiti) asked questions about the Trinity, Islam, etc. I’m sure that she’s our Christian sister. Please pray that she’ll be a light at CU.


Last week, we displayed the q: “Is your brain evidence for the existence of God?” Providentially, a neuroscience major, BEN, saw our q & said that he had to hear my answer. After I gave the Design Argument, Ben said that he’s Jewish. So I hastened to talk about my appreciation for the Jews who wrote the Bible. I then told him that the Hebrew Bible says that the Messiah’s “hands & feet” would be “pierced” & that Jesus’ hands & feet were pierced…. Later, AMY said that she started reading Genesis, but she didn’t understand the importance of all the names in Genesis 5. I explained that the genealogy leads to Jesus; and I explained our “Bridge” tract which she took w/ her. The next day, WAYNE told us that he’s an atheist. I referenced the design, moral & experiential [“I’ve known God for 65 years!”] arguments….


Today & tomorrow, in lieu of Valentine’s Day, we’re displaying: 1) “Safe sex? Wait ’til you’re married;” 2) “Chastity never killed anyone (tho promiscuity has killed millions).”


The names of the dear students who have been attending Nancy’s Bible study this semester include:

TiNA (Taiwan), NATALIA (Russia & Russian Orthodox), MUNSUK (Korea), OLGA (from Kazakhstan; tho she answers Nancy’s questions incorrectly, she has now heard the eternal Gospel),

TUBA (a Muslim from Afghanistan; she’s quiet during the Bible study),Â

OLHA (when she was leaving Ukraine, the train was terribly crowded … w/ crying babies; her husband died from Covid),Â

MiRAN (a young Christian from Korea. Miran’s husband isn’t happy that Miran is a Christian),

JUNGHWA (from Korea, who, last week, ran to our Bible study after it was over & exclaimed, “I missed it! Will you please repeat the whole Bible study right now? I’m very interested!”)

A couple weeks ago, SHiHU (from China) asked us for a Bible. This past Friday, we met up w/ Shihu & his wife, LEXi, [on the left in the pic below] to hear 10 pianists play 5 stunning grand pianos. CiNDY [in the middle of the pic] was one of the phenomenal pianists; last week, Nancy explained to Cindy the importance of believing inJesus! After the piano concert, we shared the Gospel w/ Shihu & Lexi (again). This weekend, we’re hoping to get together w/ them again – along w/ their 17-year-old twin daughters.


Last week at senior basketball, I talked to ZVi. After he told me that he’s Jewish, I told him: “The Hebrew Bible prophesied that the Messiah’s “hands & feet” would be “pierced” (Ps. 22:16), &, you know, Jesus’ hands & feet were pierced.” I also said that I liked that God wrote a book that we can study. Zvi quickly countered, “I prefer experience.” So I replied, “Oh, I also love experience: When I was 5, I received Jesus into my life.” Zvi then asked, “What did that look like?”


Thank you for “your partnership in the Gospel” (Phil. 1:5),

Tom & Nancy Miller (U of Colorado / Campus Bible Fellowship / Baptist Mid-Missions)