Dear Praying Friends,

In addition to daily ministry tasks, the past few months have included various medical appointments, most of them related to several eye surgeries for Joanne. Once healing was complete for Joanne’s right eye following a cell transplant surgery in January, the same procedures were done on her left eye: cataract surgery in late March, then cell transplant in early May. Joanne experienced a fair amount of pain and discomfort early on, but the last couple of weeks have brought noticeable improvement. Her next appointment is July 9, at which time we expect that she will receive a new prescription for glasses. (Joanne has not had the proper strength lenses since her eye surgeries began in early November.)

This Sunday I have the privilege of preaching at the church where we are members, First Baptist Church of Howard City, Michigan. That kicks-off a busy two months for me:

  • June 13 – CBM Board Meeting
  • June 16-21 – CBM Sampler

Peter, Justin, and John will travel with another CBM missionary and me to visit five CBM mission churches in five days, from Michigan to Maryland. Please pray for God to use this experience to direct their steps in life and ministry.

  • June 24-27 – displaying for CBM at the GARBC National Conference
  • July 7 – reporting to a supporting church in Iowa
  • July 15-19 – CBM Family Conference in Ankeny, Iowa
  • July 21 – reporting to a supporting church in Wisconsin
  • July 24-27 – speaking at Raccoon River Bible Camp in Iowa for Family Camp
  • July 28 – reporting to a supporting church in Iowa

Thank you for praying. God is good, all the time!

Brad & Joanne Hoff

Administrative Director & Director of Church Planting

Continental Baptist Missions