“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.” (Pr 3:5-6 ESV)

We arrived safely in Tenjo two weeks ago; three days after we arrived a landslide blocked the highway we had traveled up the mountain on. Thanks for praying for safety!


Our time here has brought back many memories from our first term in Bogota, but we are excited for what God has in store for us this time. We’ve been working on getting our house set up and finding our way around town. We’ve had gospel conversations with a few people already (Luz Marina, Oscar). Pray that God would use us.


Our first two Sundays we’ve gone to the church plant in Tabio and continue to pray about where we will serve in local church ministry.

Tenjo has proven to be a friendly community


We had a special last month in Santa Marta. The last sermon I preached was perhaps from one of the hardest texts in the NT (1 Peter 3:8-22, “preached to the spirits in prison”), but God was merciful! We also enjoyed a members’ retreat in which many of our church family expressed their love towards us in words.

Members’ retreat and saying goodbye

I wanted to tell you about something special that occurred in the last two months. When we first arrived in Santa Marta in 2010, I met a young man, Howard, in the fresh herbs section of a supermarket. I began a friendship with him and his family, and we studied the Bible for about a year; unfortunately none of them came to know Jesus. Howard’s sister, Tiziana, was 12 years old at the time. Four months ago she contacted me about attending our services at Impacto Bíblico. Since that time she has been faithfully attending and came to faith in Christ through the ladies’ ministry of our church. To God be the glory!


Please pray that the rains would let up enough in Santa Marta for the Impacto Bíblico church to be able to fix the roof of the building. It’s been raining every day, and Alfredo says that the leaks are getting worse and worse.


Soccer (fútbol in Spanish) is of course the favorite sport in Colombia, and everyone is happy because the national team has not been beat in 26 straight games! Currently they are looking good in the Copa América.


Thanks for praying for Marcos and Jason in this transition to Tenjo. So  far they’ve been enjoying their time here (playing soccer and chess). We are happy to be in the same town as our ABWE teammates, Daniel and Jennifer Mee, and it was fun to celebrate the 4th of July with them and their three kids.

Jonathan, Holly, Marcos and Jason