Fred Christensen mission trip to Mexico orphanage

June 15, 2024

Youth trip to camp Fairwood in WI.

June 3, 2024

Philip Martin summer missions trip to help Stilwells in Peru

May 27, 2024

Heart and Home with Del Moler and Josh Overfores

April 24, 2024

new sound mixer board and computer donated

April 14, 2024

new carpet tile in N.E. upper Sunday School Room

January 15, 2024

Bible decommissioning service at little field park

September 24, 2023

Youth trip to Camp Witness NE.

June 5, 2023

two youth baptized

September 11, 2022

AIG Ark trip with youth group

June 6, 2022

floor work And new carpet in basement fellowship area

February 6, 2022

Heart and Home with Pat Odle pres. BBM

January 23, 2022

parsonage main floor bath remod.

December 26, 2021

one child baptized

September 12, 2021

year of Covid shut down- on-line services

August 1, 2021

Church kitchen remod. with new floor and stove unit

January 10, 2021

parsonage kitchen remodel

July 19, 2020

Church Camp Out at Anita

August 16, 2019

VBS with Timothy Silcott

July 1, 2019

New carpet in foyer

February 1, 2019

Hosted Faith Orchestra and Handbell Choir

December 9, 2018

One Adult Baptized

September 2, 2018

Music themed VBS with Dr Chris Elis

July 1, 2018

remodel Foyer windows walls and add world map

June 3, 2018

purchase of new tables and chairs

October 15, 2017

Baptized 4 children

August 13, 2017

VBS Mine theme

July 3, 2017

Youth trip to missionary Acres

June 4, 2017

Heart and Home with Gary Anderson and Daniel Heartwig

February 6, 2017

began the ministry of praise in morning service

January 1, 2017

Repainted Sanctuary

July 17, 2016

roofed east side of Parsonage and Garage

June 15, 2016

Katlyn Holaday mission trip to Indian Reservation

June 5, 2016

new stove and hot water heater in parsonage

June 5, 2016

launched website

June 5, 2016

Annual Business Meeting

January 17, 2016

You can read the “Pastor’s Report 2015 Review” here.

Website Launch

June 1, 2015

Our new website launched.

Heart and Home with Pastor Garry Moore

February 8, 2015

Heart and Home with Missionary Bill Edmondson

February 2, 2014

Church Planter in Boston

New Carpet in Overflow Room

October 13, 2013

Three Children Baptized and Accepted into Membership

August 14, 2013

Electrical Work and R.V. Hookups Added to Church

August 4, 2013

VBS with Help From Eldora Youth Group

June 2, 2013

Remodeled Parsonage Bathroom

June 2, 2013

Heart and Home with Missionary Stephen Stilwell from Peru

February 3, 2013

Purchased New Brother Copier/Printer

January 6, 2013

Projector Purchased

October 14, 2012

Video Under the Stars

October 14, 2012

Wednesday Evening Children’s Bible Club Started

June 13, 2012

Church Celebrates Pastor Martin’s 10-year Anniversary of Ministry

March 4, 2012

Heart and Home with Pastor Doug Farrell

February 5, 2012

Remodeled Basement in Parsonage

January 1, 2012

Gutter Installed in Floor of East Side of Basement

January 1, 2012

Schwenke Shingled the East Facing Roof on Church

April 10, 2011

Church Sign was Repainted

April 10, 2011

New Trim Work for Front of Sanctuary by Steve Riggs

April 10, 2011

Seal Coat Parking Lot

April 10, 2011

Cost of seal coat: $2200

Heart and Home with David Little

February 1, 2011

President of Baptist Church Planters.

Removed Carpet From Parsonage Dining Room and Refinished Wood Floor

September 9, 2010

Heart and Home with Pastor Bob Saucer

February 7, 2010

5 Young People Baptized and Added to the Church Membership

September 20, 2009

New Siding on Church

April 19, 2009

Changed Sunday Evening Service Time to 6 PM

April 5, 2009

Heart and Home with Iowa Assn. Represenative Joe Hayse and Valentines Banquet

February 8, 2009

New Sidewalk to Parking Lot

June 1, 2008

Music Group from FBBC

May 4, 2008

Patio Project Completed

May 1, 2008

Reworked Articles of Faith

March 2, 2008

New Furnaces and A/Cs for Church

March 1, 2008

Heart and Home with Evangelist Randy Chovan

February 3, 2008

roof west side of parsonage

September 14, 2007

Built Retaining Wall and Patio at Parsonage

May 1, 2007

Church Directory was Made

May 1, 2007

Heart and Home with Pastor Dennis St. Lawrence

February 1, 2007

Heart and Home with Pastor Jeff Holub

February 1, 2006

Purchased Furnace for Parsonage

November 1, 2005

Changed Nomination Process, Began Work on Bylaws

October 24, 2005

Remodeled Bedroom Closet in Parsonage

June 1, 2005

New Refrigerator for Church Kitchen

April 3, 2005

Heart and Home Conference with Pastor Tim Capon and Carroll Church

February 6, 2005

Old Communion Table Refurbished by Steve Rigs

February 5, 2005

Youth mission trip Rapid City S.D.

August 9, 2004

Began Cleaning Up Inactive Church Membership List

April 4, 2004

Remodeled Bathrooms Off Fellowship Room

April 1, 2004

Put Utilities on Level Payment Plan

February 5, 2004

Heart and Home with Pastor Chris Humburg and Dr. Jeff Newman

February 1, 2004

Established a Budget and Reviewed Missions Support

March 2, 2003

This is when we decided to sell the van and ended up giving it to missionaries.

First Heart and Home Conference with Pastor St. Lawrence

February 2, 2003

Children’s After School Outreach Started

September 2, 2002

Russell Baptist Church Youth Help with VBS

August 1, 2002

Installed Basement Gutter on West Wall of Basement and South Parsonage

August 1, 2002

Made Nursing Room Out of Old Sunday School Office

August 1, 2002

Basement Wall, Gutter on West Wall, and Gutter in 1/2 of Parsonage

July 1, 2002

Installation service with Pastor Chris Humburg

April 7, 2002

Called Michael Martin March 2002

March 3, 2002

Junior Aid Society Organized

June 1, 1931

Young women working to help the church in every way. Mrs Ida Roberts, President Mrs Maude Rhinehart, Vice President Mrs Oda Lucas, Secretary Mrs. Pearl Spencer, Treasurer

Called Wm. Warden, April 1, 1928 to ?

April 1, 1928

Called H. A. Butler, September 1926 to January 1, 1928

September 1, 1926

Called B. E. Swales, September 17, 1924 to April 1, 1926

September 17, 1924

Church Basement Added

June 1, 1923

Called Chas. C. Boyd September 1, 1922 to September 1, 1924

September 1, 1922

Ordained here

Called M. J. Sigler, June 8, 1919 to June 25, 1922

June 8, 1919

Called J. Milton Whisler, April 1917 to March 31, 1919

April 1, 1917

Call Elie Looney, January 30, 1916 to January 30, 1917

January 30, 1916

Call J. S. Coppoc, March 1, 1913 to June 1, 1915

March 1, 1913

Called D. C. Johnson, October 2, 1911 to August 30, 1912

October 2, 1911

Called G. T. Prewit, December 19, 1909 to October 23, 1910

December 19, 1909

Call C. H. Robinson, May 1, 1907 to September 19, 1909

May 1, 1907

Called George Yule, December 1, 1900 to September 8, 1904

December 1, 1904

Called C. F. Lusk, November 4, 1904 to September 1906

November 4, 1904

Church Remodeled with Two Sunday School Rooms Added on East Side

May 1, 1902

Revival Meetings with Rev. W. A. Sunday

January 15, 1902

42 people added to the church.

Woman’s Mission Circle Organized

July 11, 1900

Mrs. H. E. Worthington, President – She held this position for nearly 30 years until passing away January 8, 1933 Mrs Alma Reppert, Vice President Nellie Read, Secretary Mrs Emily Worthington, Treasurer  

Call Rolla Earl Brown July 1, 1899 to September 5, 1900

July 1, 1899

Ordained here

Call O. W. Catlin September 16, 1896 to November 1, 1898

September 16, 1896

Called John Soetens August 1895 to November 1, 1896

August 1, 1895

Ten Years Celebrated with 90 members

November 24, 1894

Building valued at $2,500.

Called W. C. Andrus July 1894 to July 1895

July 1, 1894

Took Official Stand Against Raising Money by Lottery, Church Fairs and Festivals

July 2, 1892

Called Bro. W. C. Andrus as Pastor

July 1, 1892

Pastor Ferguson Called Away as District Missionary for Southwest Iowa

April 2, 1892

Revival Meetings with W. C. Shepherd

April 1, 1892

Silver Communion Set Given by Forest Avenue Baptist Church, Des Moines

May 18, 1891

Dedication of New Building Service Conducted by F.N. Eldredge & H.B. Fosket

May 17, 1891

Church Building Committee Formed

July 3, 1890

Called Bro. Harry Ferguson as Pastor

September 2, 1889

Hosted Regional Association Meeting at M. E. Church

September 1, 1889

Church Membership Nearly Doubled from 25

June 1, 1889

Special Meetings with Elder Tracy of Hedrick

January 19, 1889

R. L. Ludlum Called as Pastor

March 3, 1888

Ordination council was held soon after.

Ludlum and Hough Spoke for Revival Meetings

February 15, 1888

Ladies Mite Society Purchased First Organ

March 8, 1886

Church Met In Storeroom Owned by J. J. Kitchen

March 7, 1886

Rev. F. H. Sherman Called as Pastor

March 6, 1886

He served until April 30, 1887

Rev. A. F. Sarpnack called as first pastor

November 25, 1884

He served until Sept. 1885

First Baptist Church Cumberland organized with 7 members

November 24, 1884