Dear Praying Friends,

We are so thankful for your prayers on our behalf. We have been down with all kinds of sickness the past 3 weeks. Leslie, Miriam and Lillian had the opportunity to fly to America for thanksgiving with her family. The day she left, 2 of the kids left at home came down with influenza A. Leslie really enjoyed spending time with her family. Here in Germany we shared influenza and everyone got sick. By the time Leslie came back home we swapped bugs and have been battling sickness ever since.

TTZ. Our theological institute is nearing the close of its semester. I taught twice online, as Leslie was in the USA or there was too much sickness at home. I am thankful for the online possibilities. This coming Thursday my students take their test and we will start back up again in February.

Evangelism. We organized our first ever Adventskaffee. We invited several and 5 unsaved came. Christoph Rüttgers from the church in Ingolstadt came and gave the challenge. It was a clear gospel presentation. At one point one of the guests asked the question, “but how can one be made right with God?” They were truly tracking along with the gospel. Please pray for fruit for these gospel opportunities.

Next week the kids in church have planned a Christmas play. Please pray for the final preparations for this and for the families that have been invited. We have another Gospel presentation and it is exciting to see the excitement of the kids to share it.

God is good and we are thankful for His provision and strength.

For His Glory,

Mark and Leslie Boyd

Adventskaffee 2022. We had 5 unsaved guests. The gospel was clearly communicated.