Myanmar Grace Home
Hello Michael,
Today I have great news about our Grace Home! We believe the time is right to purchase land and build a home instead of their current small apartments.
We have already sent funds for their new property and Bro. Joseph has already negotiated a great exchange rate, so the money will go further! The pictures will show you the rejoicing happening right now!
All this rejoicing is happening at 9:30 PM when the children are normally asleep. Grace says no one will be able to sleep tonight!
Grace said that she and the children were “so rejoicing and laughing with tears.” Here are some pictures from their late night celebration.

The children sent a video saying “Praise the Lord; God is so good.”

Grace with her nephew James. He is “crying to God for answering our prayers.”
Please rejoice with us in God’s goodness. We are purchasing two plots of land so the children will have room to play, and they can plant a garden. Since we are purchasing the larger property, we will still need some additional funding for that and for beds, blankets, and start-up costs.
Thank you for your help in making this wonderful blessing happen. I will share more about all our partners shortly, but this great news couldn’t wait!

The boys are kneeling down in prayer. “They give thanks at the altar.”

The children pose for one more picture before bed.
Thank you for being a partner with us in all these lives.
Linda Brooks