To our Faithful Supporters,

The Lord is our helper and strength, our director and encourager. We serve the Lord. Here is what He is doing.

Our InterGlo Ministries China Online Service: We meet online Saturday evenings in Williamsburg, Iowa, which is 9:30 a.m. Sunday mornings in China. Six families are represented in this group from cities like Beijing, Nanjing, Hong Kong among others. However, the members of this study find it difficult to attend consistency. I perceive a great thirst and hunger for the Word of God among these believers, but the pressures in their lives are manifold. There have been many encouraging moments like when a young boy in Beijing read for us John 3:16. Another friend in China, when he heard of our Sunday meeting, simply started his message to me with these words, “Thank God.” The Word of God goes out each week from Williamsburg, Iowa to megacities in China.

Our InterGlo Ministries USA Online Service: We meet at 10:00 a.m. Sunday mornings with disciples from Los Angeles, Des Moines, Boston, and Miami. There are three families and two single disciples in this group. We often have 100% attendance at this service. We enjoy meeting together, are edified and often spend time after the service just enjoying each other’s company. This group from across the USA is jelling.

Our InterGlo Ministries Fellowship Online Services study one chapter of Luke each week. We are now in Luke 13. Luke will be followed by Acts and then I Timothy. Each week we send out daily Bible readings which we discuss in our service. These studies will help us develop a global evangelistic/discipleship ethic.

Iowa City: We have solid connections in Iowa City, with opportunities to train international workers. However, we do not have any evangelistic Bible studies. On the other hand, there are several potential studies pending.

Kurdistan: Deb and I leave the end of February for a little over two weeks of ministry in Kurdistan. We will be ministering in the refugee centers and in the classroom. I (Bill) will be teaching two courses on Evangelism and Church Planting, one each week. This is a Muslim dominated culture and the ongoing ministry there is working in very difficult areas, not only across Iraq, but also in Iran. I view this as an extremely strategic ministry opportunity. We are so thankful to be part of this.

Networking: Deb and I will be traveling to Phoenix, Arizona in the middle of February to attend a conference of those who go to difficult places around the globe to train Christian workers. We are looking forward to deep fellowship with like-minded Great Commission Christians. We may be introduced to many more wonderful opportunities—so cool.

A Family Trip: In late January, we will be traveling to Denver, Colorado to care for a family matter. While in the West, Deb and I will spend time in western Wyoming, in Jackson Hole. This is the place where God first began to speak to my heart when I was perhaps in 6th grade. Now it is a place of refuge for me, a place where I am reconnected with who I am, where I am reminded of who God is, and His goodness to me. I get recentered there. As you can tell, I am looking forward to a few days in Jackson .

Our Divine Stewardship is ten discipleship centers in ten global cities representing the ten major civilizations. God is helping us minister into at least 10 major global cities representing 60 million people by means of online video conferencing services. These cities represent four of the ten civilizations where we intend, by His strength and wisdom, to start ten discipleship centers. It is a beginning.  (And all of this from Williamsburg, Iowa )

Serving with you,

Bill and Deb                                                                                       

Coming Soon: Our Need, Our Supply

Donation Information

You can become fellow-workers with Bill and Deb in one of  three ways: by means of the U.S. postal service, PayPal, or Baptist Mid-Missions.

Mail: You can mail a check to Bill and Deb Edmondson at 944 South Highland Street, Williamsburg, Iowa 52361 Please make the check payable to InterGlo Ministries and in the memo line please write Bill and Deb.

PayPal: You can donate to us by means of PayPal.

Baptist Mid-Mission: You can give to us as BMM Emeritus missionaries on the BMM donation page. Just type in Bill and Deb Edmondson in the box provided.