Dear Praying Friends,

Spring is in the air. The early mornings are still cold here in Germany but it warms up by mid day and the sun is causing the trees to bud once again. The seasons change and remind me of God’s faithfulness that everything has its time. God is at work and we desire to work where He is leading and moving.

At our church business meeting, we planned for various outreaches and activities. Would you please pray for these upcoming ministries:
Easter: we ordered 3000 Easter tracts and will be putting them in mailboxes around Neumarkt (which is not illegal here). Please pray for responses. For the Easter services we prepare a good Friday service and a resurrection breakfast and service. Please pray for the many preparations for these outreaches.

Marriage Seminar: in May we have a team coming from the USA who will be providing childcare for the families in the church to attend a multiday marriage seminar in May. At the business meeting the church asked if Leslie and I would would prepare a marriage and child raising seminar. As we plan I have been praying that all the families will be able to attend. Please pray for the team from the USA and their preparations, but also for all the planning that will go into this seminar so that it will strengthen the relationships of these families.

Bus Evangelism: July 1-3 we will have an evangelistic bus ministry in the downtown area of Neumarkt. More information on what that looks like will be forthcoming. When I contacted the city for permission to have the bus parked in front of city hall again (as we have done the past two times) they immediately gave permission and gave the green light. This is an answer to prayer as the previous two times has been a struggle to get permission. Please pray for our church to be ready to host the bus and be ready to share the gospel.

Continue to pray for the families in our church. We continue to counsel and encourage those in the church to look to the source of our encouragement in the midst of difficult times. Progress is being made for which I am thankful. Thank you for praying for these brothers and sisters in Christ. God is at work through your prayers.

On a family note, we are thankful that we are all healthy. It has been a long season of colds this winter and we are enjoying a break from it before allergy season. 🙂

Thank you for your faithful prayers for us and our ministry.

For His Glory,

Mark and Leslie Boyd

The morning sunrise over our little village.
They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness!

We enjoyed a trip to a beautiful old city (Dinkelsbühl) this past Saturday enjoying some sunshine and hiked 8 kilometers around. We did not all fit in the doorway through the city wall… but we tried anyway!

Not all the kids are in the picture but we had a great time enjoying the weather and being outdoors again.