There is no easy element to the Christian life. Though the principals are basic and the mechanics of it are simple none of it comes easily.  We may wish that it would be a natural overflow of a heart that loves the lord but the reality is quite different, if we wait for it to happen spontaneously it never will.  If we have learned how to read, reading our Bible is not complex, apart from some names the rules of vocabulary work just like they do when we read our phone, a novel, a street sign, billboard, or newspaper.  To witness is to tell the story of what God has done in our lives.  We tell stories about ourselves regularly on social media, to friends and acquaintances of some unusual element of our week but we neglect to speak of our God.  Communication and relating with friends is natural, we touch base, we tweet, we text, ask for help, and we love time spent with close friends and regret when life calls us away. But we can’t communicate naturally with our God.  If you set aside half an hour to read your Bible and a half an hour to pray you feel like you are killing the better part of a day.  If in the morning we are too eager to get to the work of the day, if at night we are too tired to rouse ourselves to the task.  The Christian life on every level calls for effort, discipline and the sacrifice of love.  The elements of scripture reading, prayer, and Christian fellowship and worship are vital to a successful, vibrant Christian walk.  Those we call giants in the faith were never so spiritual to be able to neglect the basics.   The weakness of our lives is measured by our failure to fellowship with our Lord and savior Jesus Christ.   We must take to ourselves the mindset of determined and sustained effort to overcome physical, Spiritual, and psychological obstacles.  Doing so with confidence that the Lord rewards those that diligently seek Him and believing that He will draw near to us as we draw ourselves near to him.