Missionary Updates

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23.11 Mark Boyd update

by Mike Martin

Dear Praying Friends, The past few weeks have been a rollercoaster of events. I am so thankful for your prayers and for your support. Men’s retreat. 80 men from our […]

23.11 BCH update

by Mike Martin

Praying With Thanksgiving Thank you for praying for BCH ministry and all our children. Here are some requests for prayer which include requests and praises, even in the same request. […]

23.11 Hamilton update

by Mike Martin

An Amazing Three Months! November 2023 (Download a new family photo here) It has been just slightly over three months since I last wrote, and I cannot believe how quickly […]

23.11 Stilwell Thanksgiving update

by Mike Martin

HAPPY THANKSGIVING TO EACH OF YOU AS WE THANK OUR GREAT GOD FOR HIS ABUNDANT BLESSINGS EACH DAY.  We thank the lord for the remembrance of our faithful prayer partners. […]

23.12 Miller annual Christmas party

by Mike Martin

Dear Praying Friends,  Today & tomorrow, we’re tabling in the Student Union – displaying the question: “Have you internalized the Christ of Christmas?”  This Saturday night, we’re hosting […]

23.10 Edmondson update

by Mike Martin

Pray for us! October 7, 2023 To Our Beloved Supporters, Deb and I recently received an email from Megan, who is organizing prayer for the upcoming Global Reach missions conference at […]

23.11 Boyds Mark and leslie

by Mike Martin

Thank you for your interest in the ministry in Neumarkt Germany. View this email in your browser Dear Praying Friends, Thank you for your prayers for us. TTZ. The new […]

23.11 Jon Boyd Furlough report

by Mike Martin

View this email in your browser NOVEMBER 1, 2023 FURLOUGH REPORT “And when they arrived and gathered the church together, they declared all that God had done with them, and […]

23.8 Miller update

by Mike Martin

August 2023  Dear Praying Friends,  This week, 36k Gen Z, iConsumer, intexticated “Buffaloes” are stampeding the U of Colorado! So we’re “living” at CU. For example, this minute we’re sitting at […]

23.9 Millers update

by Mike Martin

Dear Praying Friends,  This year is starting off as hopeful as any of our years in campus ministry. And we believe that’s, in part, b/c many of you are […]